this is great Rob and I liked the interview a lot. I would also add the fantastic four to your list. Your novel sounds good! It reminds me of a TTRPG cocreated by Grant Howitt, one of my favorite game writers: Eat the Reich. I think it started out completely as a pun, which I love, but the players play vampires who parachute into Paris in 1943 to kill Nazis. I just got the finished book and it's a beaut. https://rowanrookanddecard.com/product-category/game-systems/eat-the-reich/

I also wanted to mention something else in your last newsletter but I forgot until just now. You mentioned Natalie Shapero which was another one of those weird coincidences (like Caren Beilen a few months before) because I have her book Hard Child sitting on my nightstand right this minute. I mean these aren't complete unknown writers but still!

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That is a funny overlap. I was trying to think of other examples and that's a great one. I thought of the Penguins of Madagascar. I will have to get my hands on Eat the Reich

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I don't think it has anything whatsoever to do with your book at all, but I can send you the pdf. Grant's a great game writer.

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