This is great as always Rob. I agree with you especially about AI. I think you’re right that it’s going to occupy its own niche. I think also the ridiculous expense of powering these AI products is going to kill most of them off because they can’t figure out how to make money. Everybody sees the AI stuff and shrugs. It was cool at first but the only continuing use I see for what it generates is what you described- funny little nothings. And I don’t think you can build a big business around that.

As for James Bond, I really love Alan Moore’s interpretation in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series of comics. He continued the series after the Victorian era characters from the first collection. His conceit is to create a world history where our fiction plays out in their reality. For instance, instead of Hitler coming to power during world war 2, it’s Adenoid Hynkel from the Chaplin movie. The Martian invasion from War of the Worlds happens and the mars the invaders come from is the mars from fiction, a mashup of all the mars stories and books (the War of the Worlds Martians are just one species).

ANYWAY, his Bond is definitely a villain sort of character, a misogynist loser who fumbles around. They’re all great. I read them from the library.

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That sounds amazing--that guy has done so much stuff, and I've only seen a small fraction of it. Thanks for reading this thing!

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